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How to Fix Your Keyboard Not Working in Windows 10

Why is my keyboard not working in Windows 10?

If you think the issues with your peripherals are caused by hardware, then that’s a good place to start. However, there could be something wrong with your system itself.

We found the most common reasons why Keyboard Not Working in Windows 10 ? and we made a list of potential causes that might apply to you too.

1. In the event of keyboard damage and depending on the type of damage, you may experience different issues with your keyboard including not working or slowing down. Inspect the body and connecting cables for physical damage to help avoid these problems.

2. Your battery is low. To protect your wireless keyboard, make sure that it’s powered. If you need to, we can change the battery for you.

3. If your computer drivers are out of date, your device may not work as expected. Driver updates are needed to ensure your computers function correctly, even if Microsoft doesn’t natively support them. If the correct keyboard driver is outdated or missing, your device may not function properly.

4. You plugged your keyboard into the wrong USB port. It may not work if you plug it into a USB port that it’s incompatible with, or a damaged one that needs to be replaced.

5. Windows 10 has many options for power saving, but there’s a chance that your keyboard is disabled when it’s inactive.

6. A bug in Windows 10’s Filter Key feature is causing frustrating problems with login screen passwords. Recently, Microsoft’s Windows 10 updates seem to have fixed this problem.

7. Sometimes when Microsoft releases a major new Windows 10 update, it can break things on your computer.

Fixing your keyboard in Windows 10

In this post, we’ve identified some potential causes for this issue. Now it’s time to troubleshoot your keyboard and find out what works for you! We suggest that you try our suggested solutions – make sure to give them all a go to discover which approach your keyboard responds best to.

You’ll need to activate the on-screen keyboard before you begin.

Before troubleshooting, you will want to turn on the keyboard in Windows 10. It will allow you to follow instructions even if you need to type something in or press keys on the keyboard.

Here’s how to turn on the on-screen keyboard in Windows 10:

1. Press and hold the Start button, which is usually in the lower-left corner of your screen.

2. In Tablet Mode, you will see a bar or ribbon at the top of your screen with icons for different settings. The icon may say “Settings.”

3. Tap the Settings icon and then scroll down under Devices to find “Keyboard”.

4. Turn on On-Screen Keyboard or Bluetooth Keyboard by tapping them.

5. Tap “Apply”. If you tap Close, your settings will not be changed.

6. When you are ready to use the On-Screen Keyboard, tap it on your screen and it will open in front of any other app that is currently open on your tablet.

This is how you can  Fix Your Keyboard Not Working in Windows 10.

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