Instant Email Delivery within 10 Minutes on Your Email

One Time Purchase

No annual or monthly subscription. Buy and use forever perpetual License

Install on one PC

Compatible with Once device (not compatible with Chromebook, iPad, iPhone or mobile

Classic Office Apps

Get the premium versions of apps and services to create, collaborate, and share your best work.

Track and organize effortlessly

Use fewer and more robust formulas to quickly build spreadsheets that update as information changes. Find data fast with improved navigation features and search functions.

Work together seamlessly

Easily share files and get notified when others make edits or mention you in comments and quickly catch up on what’s changed every time you open a document. Improved performance features help your system run faster and new autosave means you’ll never lose your work again.

Create with confidence

Produce engaging documents and presentations with new, modern visuals and quickly find what you need with improved navigation features and search functions.

Organize your work and life

Efficiently manage your messages, appointments, contacts, and tasks in one place. Easily stay on top of meetings, deadlines, and family time, too.